Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grammer games

If you think that grammar challenging, boring, long, a waste of time, to much, or maybe even worthless here a few games to help you study while having fun. 

What is poems

  You might ask yourself  what is poetry, well here is one definition "Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response." from 
I think that poems are feelings that we have, a funny thing we have thought of, or just writing a few little sentences which does not have to be grammatically correct. They can be many different kinds like haiku, simile, and maybe a free verse.
A poetic  device is is the rules they use like"Similes are a comparison between two word using like or as". (Ice cubes are as cold as Antarctica) Another poetic device is Personification which is giving the poem characteristics to things such as animals and objects. (This ice cream cone is delicious) One more of them I will tel you is Hyperbole which is to exaggerate in the poem. If you want to see more here is a good site.
Here is a poem
Fall Days
Summer is over,
Winter is next,
Fall is in between.
The lovely leaves start to change colors,
The leaves are going to fall.
School is going to begin,
The school supplies are being sold.
And then……    
This poem is a free verse. In this poem I used; Tone, Personification, and speaker.

Creative Wirting Activity

Have you ever thought what it would be like to be a  Brussels sprout candy in a supermarket. This is what I think...

Brussels sprout candy

Hour by hour
Day by day,
People walk by,
I cry grab me grab me,
But no the grab the candies to my side,
Finally I fall of te shelf,
Into a cart,
Into a home,
Now I am being being eaten,
I am so hap